When I first embraced motherhood, there were no specific yoga classes in my area but it was important to me to continue on my personal journey of yoga as part of my own post-natal care. For this, I was grateful for receiving training in this field with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, author of ‘Womb Yoga’.
My post-natal classes are available to new mothers (and their babies) after their 6-8 week medical check depending on demand. The classes are suitable for complete newcomers to yoga, or those more experienced who want to gently ease themselves back into the physical aspects of yoga.
“The sessions were also easy going. You could dip in and out and I happily breastfed my little one through the session. Some babies even fell asleep! Another bonus was having a cuppa afterwards with new mums and those with older babies who you could ask for help or advice.”
The aim of these sessions is to:
- Provide an opportunity for ‘self nurturing’ and time to develop close bonding with your baby/babies
- Assist you to gently regain physical strength, toning muscles, concentrating on the ‘pelvic floor’, back and abdomen
- Provide a well-balanced programme of postures, breathing and relaxation techniques that can be modified to suit each individual’s needs.
- Gentle enough for those recovering from Caesarean, Episiotomy, other medical procedures or trauma
- Teaches relaxation techniques that can be used throughout ‘every-day’ life.
The group provides some support to help you cope with the varying demands of motherhood and many long lasting friendships are made through this Yoga Family approach to motherhood.
“It was great being able to take your baby to an exercise class and the get the baby involved. We did some lovely nursery rhymes that involved movements with the baby and my little one loved it! Geri makes the session fun for the babies and adapts exercises for your level of fitness or flexibility.”
To find out more about my post-natal yoga classes, please contact me.
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