Headlice – The Most Effective Treatment I’ve Ever Used
Head lice and nits are very common in children and their families. Apparently, they do not have anything to do with dirty hair and are picked up by head-to-head contact. [www.nhs.uk]. I also believe they can be picked up sharing brushes, combs, hats, helmets, clothing, bedding and towels of someone with head lice. The NHS website offer information, photos and videos to help your recognise and successfully treat head lice so please don’t panic.
I contracted head lice at school and in the past so have my children. I’ve tried many different methods to eliminate the headlice (tiny insects approximately 5mm in size or smaller if they’ve not long hatched) and nits (their tiny white eggs that stick to strands of hair) but by far the most effective treatment I’ve found is Delacet Head Lice and Nits Lotion. This is made from Tincture of Larkspur and Acetic Acid (Vinegar) and is available from The Homeopathic Supply Company [www.hsconline.co.uk].
According to Homeopathy Plus:
Tincture of Larkspur or Staphysagria is made from the herb Delphinium Staphysagria. It is also known as Larkspur or Lice-bane because of its herbal use in killing body lice. The ancient Greeks and Romans recorded using this toxic herb as a herbal medication for a variety of uses, including as a salve that worked as a remedy for bites, stings and lice.”
It is the most effective treatment for head lice I’ve ever used and witnessed working successfully time and time again. It is the only natural treatment which does not involve prolonged combing, applications on consecutive days.
It does need to remain on the hair for 2-3 hours and I find placing a shower cap over the hair as soon the Delacet lotion application is completed, helps prevent the lotion dripping and/or strands of hair straying. In fact, the instructions for use recommend using a shower cap but always supervise children and vulnerable adults during the treatment. Of course, it is also wise to carry out a skin patch test in case of sensitivity prior to using this product.

According to Delacet their lotion is made from a unique dual action flower extract used in Europe for decades due to its outstanding effectiveness after just one application and highlights the benefits as follows [www.delacet.co.uk]:
“Used successfully for over 50 years
No organophosphates
No detection combing required
No prolonged applications
Easy to wash out
Suitable for adults and children
Quick, simple, safe and effective
Disinfecting & conditioning properties
Excellent for dreadlocks & thick hair
Suitable for permed hair/extensions
Not tested on animals
Suitable for vegans
Packaging fully recyclable
Produced to GMP standards (ISO 9001)”
If you suspect head lice to be a problem in your hair or that of your child I recommend using a nit-comb for headlice detection as you only need to use a head lice lotion treatment if you discover head-lice in the hair. In my opinion by far the best product for the job is ‘Nitty Gritty’.
This is a revolutionary nit-comb made by mums. How does it work? “The NitFree Comb’s 33 round-tipped teeth go through your hair quickly and easily, and the ‘micro-spiral’ groove in each one gentle removes anything that’s attached to your hair … lice, nits and even unhatched ‘live’ louse eggs. The rounded tips won’t scratch your scalp – and just one NitFree Comb is all you need to check and treat the whole family.” [www.nittygritty.co.uk]
The ‘Nitty Gritty’ is larger than most nit combs on the market, including the ones that are often included in the main brands of head lice treatment. This larger nit-comb make is easier to handle and use as you work your way through the strands of wet hair with a liberal application of hair-conditioner applied. Wet combing the hair from the roots to the tips, focusing especially on the warmer areas of the scalp e.g. back of neck and behind the ears.
It is easier if you can separate the hair into sections and keep the sections you’ve checked away from those left to do. I find wiping the nit comb in white kitchen roll sheets or white paper very effective as you can see if any headlice and nits have been picked up in your trawl through the hair, I also rinse the nit comb in water to reduce contamination and the conditioner build-up make this a slippery task.
If I detect head lice I continue nit combing the whole head of hair and rinse off the conditioner. I then apply the Delacet lotion as directed and wash off with shampoo, then dry the hair as usual.
I trust you will find this information useful.